1. Use domain
  2. The peculiarities of DSP
  3. Architecture of the processor
  4. Formats of data use in DSP
  5. The performances of DSP
  6. Texas Instruments products





. Use Domain

The DSP (digital signal processor) are made to the treatment of numerical signs.


The DSP is a calculator only for numerical signals, and on the sample the signal is however converted before being calculated.


The processor DSP can today be used for mixture,  equalisation, limitation of dynamics of audio signals and all at once, for the coding of numerical audio data.


• In the field of telecommunications: modems, multiplexers, numerical recievers DTMF, fax machines, GSM word coder, and radio modems
• In the field of vocal interfaces: vocal converters for answering machines, automatic word recognition, vocal synthesis.
• In the field of the multimedia and general public: compression of the audio signals (CD) compression of pictures, multimedia cards for PC, musical synthesis
• In the field of instrumentation: spectrum analyzers, function generation and seismic signs interpretation.


. The peculiarities of DSP
As a classical microprocessor DSP is implemented by linking him memory (RAM, ROM) and peripherals. Typical DSP is rather used in systems of autonomous treatments. It usually comes as a microcontroller inserting according to brands and constructors gammas of the memory of timers, quick synchronous ports, DMA controllers, ports of various E/S.


2.1 The heart of a system of numerical treatment of the signç

DSP is donc conceived to optimize this time of counting. Guide with effect, they have optimized functions allowing to calculate much more fast.



2.2 Access to memory
Another characteristic of DSPs is their capacities to accomplish several memory access in a  single cycle. Nevertheless on certain basic DSP this simultaneous type of operation is in general limited to special instructions. Those instructions use a restricted addressing mode concerning only the random access memory inserted into the DSP


A DSP may posses many logical units of address generation working in parallel with the logic of the heart of the DSP. A logical unit of address generation is only once configured using the appropriate registers.

This allows not only to accomplish access to simultaneous memories in a single cycle as it was said before but also to increment generated address automatically. This mode of addressing particular usually called indirect addressing by register with post (or pre) increment is very used to perform repetitive counting on various datas saved sequentially in the memory. Let’s take the TMS320C64XX as an example . If we consider the operations required for the execution of an instruction may be described as follows:

To save time when running series of instructions it is necessary to optimize the different steps in the parallelizing or in the pipeline.
The standard retained is the one used in the production plants which consists decreasing  the job in essential objectives:


 While reading of this picture we can see that  starting at the 5th instruction every new cycle produces a new instruction is realised instead of an instruction every 5 cycles produced. A program is therefore executed about 5 times as quickly!


. Architecture of the processor
The architecture of a microprocessor and therefore DSP is an important element that conditions the performances of a processor directly. There are two fundamental types of said structures "Von Neumann" and "Harvard" such as introduced by the following image:


3.1 Structure Of VON NEUMAN
A standard microprocessor on a structure Von Neumann stock programs and information in the same memory zone. An instruction contains surgical code and address of the operand. This type of microprocessor incorporates mainly two standard logical units:


• Arithmetical and logical Unit (or ALU) responsible for accomplishing central operations (as multiplications, addition, subtractions, rotation, etc)
• Unit in charge of entries / exits which orders the flux of data between the heart of the microprocessor and memories or ports.

3.2 Structure of Harvard
Due to the fact that memory programs and data are separated this allows to transfer an instruction and data at the same time wich ameliorates performance.

Harvard is rather used in microprocessors specialized for real time applications as DSP. (Examples: The Motorola families 68XXX, the Intel family 80X86)
Some DSP use “Modified Structure Harvard ". DSP offers only a bus of data and a bus of address. The data transfer  between the external and internal buses is performed by temporal multiplexing. It is the case of TMS320C6711.


. Formats of data use in DSP.

• DSP with fixed comma: fractional numbers with fixed comma which uses the method of « CCPL » who allows easily the binary addition of  well negative numbers.
• DSP with floating comma: data is represented by using a mantissa and an exhibitor according to expression: n = 2 displaying mantissa x 2exposant


4.1 DSP with floating comma
DSP with floating comma is more flexible and easier to program than a DSP with fixed comma. The big dynamic offered by DSP has floating comma allow virtually not to care about limits of results calculated during the conception of a program.
. Precision is searched on whole important dynamic range

4.2 DSP with fixed comma
DSP has fixed comma is a little more complicated to program than a DSP with floating comma.

On a DSP calculations are performed with 32-bit accumulators. When the results must be stored in memory the 16 least significant bits are lost. It is always possible to separately store in memory the least significant 16-bit then the most significant 16-bit  if there are more registers open at a calculation step.
This feature is not always available on all DSPs. In this situation, calculations that require absolutely a double precision are made in pairs of special instructions that handle 16-bit single precision at the expense of execution time.
The accuracy of the calculations is a critical point of fixed comma DSP, as the program developer must remain vigilant at every stage of a calculation. He must seek the greatest possible dynamic to maintain good accuracy of calculations while avoiding as much as these little overflows of accumulators
The fixed comma DSP are most used because they are less expensive than floating comma DSP. They are found in all mass market products where cost is an important factor.


. The performances of DSP

Most DSPs are particularly intended for "real time" applications and specialized that means applications where the processing time is of course important but where the variety of events to be processed is not significantly important.
However, there are applications where the DSP performs both functions of digital signal processing and general functions of a microprocessor at the heart of a conventional computer system.

5.1 Measure of pure speed of counting
classical method to test the performance of DSP is to be based on its speed of execution.

This basic method consists therefore in counting the number of instructions performed a second. An obstacle appears then because an instruction does not mean forcing the same thing from a family of DSP to other one.


5.2 Measure of the time of execution (" Benchmark ")
The pure speed of counting of DSP is not an universal indication, methods and results different from DSP to other one

Certain DSP offer in fact modes of more competitive addressing than others

Finally the time of access to memory is another inevitable parameter. Some DSP have integrated quick random access memory blocks. This memory is put in the addressing space of DSP in the same capacity as external random access memory. This allows to line up data and programs without having to perform permanent transfers towards the outside. The possible cycles of wait that can be necessary to address a slow external memory are so avoided.

The measure of performances by benchmark consists in measuring the time that puts the DSP to run standard treatment of the sign programs


. Texas Instruments Products

Families latest Texas Instruments of DSP are:

· TRMS320C54x, DSP fixed format;
· TRMS320C20x, DSP fixed format;
· TRMS320C24x, DSP fixed format;
· TRMS320C62x, fixed format architecture DSP VLIW (Very Long InstructionWord);
· TRMS320C67x, formatting floating DSP VLIW architecture;

These new families are grouped into three classes called platforms. These threeclasses are called:

· TMS320C6000, C62x formed and C67x families;
· TMS320C5000, C54x family formed and C54xx;
· TMS320C2000, formed C20x and C24x families;

Figure 9 summarizes the main characteristics of these three classes.